Jock Murray is president of the Jock Murray Group, LLC. Jock’s mission is to help business professionals lead, communicate and sell more effectively. He accomplishes this through keynote presentations, skills training seminars and through individual consultation and coaching.
Prior to his career in training and consulting, Jock held a variety of marketing and training positions in both the corporate and non-profit arenas. At Abbott Laboratories, he held a variety of management, sales, marketing and training positions. He also held marketing, training and management positions in the non-profit sector with the Boy Scouts of America and the International Headquarters of Sigma Chi Foundation.
His energy and humor, combined with his ability to apply the lessons of his workshops to each client’s unique issues and challenges, has put him in demand with companies at the top of the Fortune 500 as well as startup ventures.
Jock has trained over 21,000 people in a dozen countries. His engagements range from presentation coaching for CEOs to leadership development for college students and everything in between. Jock is available to help your organization through workshops, consulting or keynote.


Most careers that get derailed don’t do so because someone is technically inept. It is not the technical aspects of our jobs that keep success out of our reach, it is our inability to communicate with and influence others.
The ability to influence others to achieve strategic objectives is the number one skill required in the business world today. Whether dealing with customers, co-workers or employees, your ability to lead, influence and bring out the best in others will ultimately determine both your satisfaction and success.
Our specialty is helping business professionals learn to lead, influence, sell and bring out the best in others.